Businesses are complex, and when something works out in management’s favor, they tend to grow attached to the process. In many cases, this can be a good thing. With a reliable, well-understood process, business leaders can make certain assumptions that help predict outcomes crucial to the company. The downside of growing attached to operations can be dire, however. In an industry that’s continuously evolving, holding on to an outdated process hurts the business’s competitiveness.
Executives have to remember that their loyalty shouldn’t be to one process but to the business itself. Even if a process is untested, the company runs the risk of falling behind if it doesn’t experiment with new methods of doing things. Thirteen members of Forbes Business Council share some insight into how entrepreneurs can avoid getting attached to old business processes and embrace innovation instead, so as to offer their business a leg-up on its competitors.
6. Always Listen To Users’ Needs
Listening to users’ needs is vital for ongoing development and future-proofing any business. There are many examples of companies that did not evolve and are now obsolete as a result of staying stagnant. A business must constantly be working with its clients to predict their future needs and adapting. Relying on an “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” approach is short-sighted. – Shaz Memon, Digimax Dental